CIMB Bank Singapore Branches

A list of CIMB Bank Singapore Branches, including location address, contact details, provided services and operating hours (if applicable).

CIMB Bank Singapore Orchard Branch
(Across the street from Paragon)
270 Orchard Road #03-02
Singapore 238857
Tel: (65) 6333 7777
Operating Hours:
10:00am – 8:00pm (Mon – Sun)
Closed on Public Holiday
Trade Services:
09:00am – 3:00pm (Mon – Fri)
Closed on Public Holiday

CIMB Bank Singapore Raffles Place Branch
50 Raffles Place #01-02
Singapore Land Tower
Singapore 048623
Tel: (65) 6333 7777
Operating Hours:
09:00am – 4:30pm (Mon – Fri)
09:00am – 1:00pm (Sat)
Closed on Sun/Public Holiday
Trade Services:
09:00am – 3:00pm (Mon – Fri)
Closed on Sat/Sun/Public Holiday

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CIMB Bank Singapore

CIMB Singapore bank is a part of Malaysian financial company CIMB Group, that offered a full range of personal and commercial banking services.